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Your gifts will make a life-changing impact!

We need your help!

Everyday individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD) face life challenges, Blossom IDD provides adults with IDD the guidance they need to break away from society’s imposed limitations and ‘blossom’ anywhere they choose to plant themselves.

Your financial donation will allow us to fund and invest in programs that provide the help and support those with IDD live better lives and become a valued part of our community.

Giving has never been easier and best of all your generous donation is tax deductible. Blossom IDD is a 501c3 organization and what you give not only helps those with IDD but helps you too. Please give generously!


Share Our Vision

By volunteering at Blossom IDD, is not only rewarding but, we can direct more of our funding towards programming while providing valuable support from individuals like yourself who share our vision for building strong communities through service.


Strengthening IDD Communities

Blossom IDD is committed to providing complimentary resources, actively seeking donations to enhance the public’s understanding and to bolster empowerment among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), as well as offering support to their families.