Blossom IDD:

Sam Bear

  • Where do you live?
    • I live in Bayview (MKE), WI.
  • What is your role with Blossom IDD?
    • I am the Executive Director.
  • What is your favorite part about Blossom IDD?
    • Favorite part of Blossom IDD is the uniqueness of what it is offering to the community to fill a void that has been present for a long time.
  • What is one thing on your bucket list?
    • A bucket list item of mine has always been to go see the Northern Lights. Preferably from a different country but happy to see them from anywhere I can!

Share Our Vision

By volunteering at Blossom IDD, is not only rewarding but, we can direct more of our funding towards programming while providing valuable support from individuals like yourself who share our vision for building strong communities through service.


Support You Need

Blossom IDD offers free resources to not only educate the general public, but also help individuals with IDD and their families realize their full potential by helping them find jobs and develop the skills to make an impact on society.