June 2022 Morning Glory Parent Group Meeting
June Meeting Recap
Thank you to all who attended our June meeting led by NML representatives Jen and Missy. We got great feedback on the meeting and appreciate all they taught us about how we can create greater financial security for our loved ones with special needs. Attached is the Powerpoint they used during their presentation, and if you’d like to access the entire meeting – including questions and answers – the link to the Zoom recording is at the bottom of this email (because it keeps messing up my formatting!!!)
In addition to the financial presentation, we also were joined by Zach Lillo from LOV Inc. about the Bridge Builder Project. See the attachment for more information.
We’d love to hear what you thought of the June meeting AND get ideas on what topics (financial or other) you’d like to learn more about in the future. Please take a moment to complete the event feedback form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19wPi9TZNhk4vUMc5bbGzoEX9TNR8-bO26g923ZPyTtI/edit?usp=drivesdk
Next Meeting – August 29
We know summer is busy for everyone, so let’s take July off from meetings and get back together at the end of August. Jen and Missy from NML will join us once again for a refresh and deeper dive into ABLE accounts and special needs trusts. And if you have any questions you have for them ahead of time – or other financial-related subjects you’d like to know more about – please include those in the event feedback form.
Do We Have Permission to Share Your Contact Information?
If your name is not on this list:
Please consider filling out this form and giving us permission to share your contact information with others in the group: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MBJAO96Qit33iiNJv92Qe0Ku3CWUagq1la5VY2C95-0/edit?usp=drivesdk
Have a Fantastic 4th of JulyWeekend Everyone!