Left to Right- Board President Mike Purnell, Quinn and Stu Natale-exceptional vendors, Irene Edlebeck-Exceptional VendorLeft to Right- Sam Bear- Executive Director Blossom IDD, Mike and Cindi Purnell Co-Founder’s of Blossom IDD and Cedarburg MercantileStrawberry Fest Day 1! Left to Right- Emma Leonhard-participant, Kalindi Drewry- Board Member and Participant, Emma Gaffney- Board Member, Lauren Buchanan- ParticipantLeft to Right- Sam Bear- Executive Director Blossom IDD, Mike and Cindi Purnell Co-Founder’s of Blossom IDD and Cedarburg MercantileVolunteer Spotlight! Mary Jo Deflorentiis and her daughter Katie (employee at CM and participant with Blossom IDD)Check out all of the awesome photos from this weekend. Doesn’t even capture half the fun we had!
June 25-26, 2022 Strawberry Fest in Cedarburg Was back in action! The store was open the whole weekend promoting our vendors, both exceptional and supporting. Along with that we had exceptional vendors and individuals who participate in Blossom IDD come by and support the organization and our partnership. So many amazing people popping in to chat, just say hi, and shop! We are so grateful to all of the customers who supported our mission, all of the vendors who put faith in what we are doing, and all of our community who continue to back us every step of the way!